Sunday, June 27, 2010

Proclivity: an inclination or predisposition toward a particular thing

I’ve learned that as human beings we all have a proclivity for something. Some excel in the arts, others languages and some have a mastery over the written word. While multiple individuals can be inclined to a similar proclivity its ultimate manifestation is truly unique to each individual.

Some are lucky enough to find their proclivity early in life; others spend years seeking their true inclination. This journey can be both frustrating and exhilarating giving each individual a unique understanding of self.

While I applaud others in their search, I must say, I was fortunate to stumble upon my proclivity early in life. I did not seek it. I was one of the lucky ones whose proclivity found me.

This proclivity is one that I cannot shy away from; it is something that has become a part of who I am. No matter what I do, where I go and or how I try to change it, my proclivity is a part of me.

What is my predisposition? What was I lucky enough to find so early in life that eludes so many? What, you ask, is my proclivity?

I run into stuff. Constantly.

I will not soon forget the great wedding crashing debacle of 2002 (nor will those of the wedding party). I am waiting in fear that I might never recover fully from the filing cabinet incident of only mere weeks ago. And my screen door will forever have the imprint of my profile floating 5 feet above the floor.

I hope to one day fully understand the reason for my gift, my proclivity. But until that day I would ask only one thing. Be careful my friends, when walking around corners. My proclivity and me might just be on the other side.

1 comment:

  1. I will be waiting around the corner, with a camera and smile locked and loaded.
